Wednesday, 14 September 2016

That thing called "Nothing"

Have you ever been in my shoes? Have you felt the way I am feeling now? Oops! I am sorry, The questions should have followed the description of what I am feeling now.

But that's where everything seems a whirlwind ahead. It's like there are plenty of thoughts in my mind, waiting, eagerly for words to describe them. But the words are on a break today. Boggled by too many thoughts in too little time, words have taken a leave today. And what does that leave me with? Skeletons of thoughts haunting my mind, without sparing even a single grain of peace for my soul. The thoughts are wild, or may be mysterious and foggy. I can't see through them. I beg for them to stay quiet until the words resume their work, but the thoughts gag my soul with unrest. They stifle my mind, body and soul. I wish to escape from this suffocating whirlpool of thoughts sans words. 

Now, I ask you again. Have ever been in my shoes? Have you ever felt that your thoughts are driving you insanely numb? 

May be you were lucky enough not to have faced what I am currently facing. There were little moments in the frame of time when you didn't look okay, and people asked you why. You vaguely replied " Nothing". There might have been moments when you had chosen lifestyle of recluse, retreating in your den. Yet your friends tried to reach you out and asked your reason for staying shut. You had replied " It's nothing". If your thoughts or feelings could have been described in words, why did you choose to play the "nothing" card? My friend, you might not have lived exactly at my place, but you have been around in the neighbourhood of nothingness. 

If it hasn't struck you yet, let my words bring you solace once you reach the land of nothingness.

Just breathe and get through the moment. Don't force yourself to rush. Don't poke the life out of the words and stuffs them with your insane thoughts. Let your mind wander, let your thoughts fly free and let your words return from vacation on it own will. 
It's okay not to fit into descriptions at times. Let your mind surpass the empty terrains of nothingsness and reach the oasis - where your words embrace your thoughts and create magic in togetherness.