Wednesday 8 June 2016

The wait

It's a familiar word - wait. Not just for me. I guess all of us have been accustomed to this word once in their lives at least. I feel there is a sweet pain that comeS along with this word. I hear people say that waiting made them test their level of patience. I hear people rejoice the fact that they were able to wait until the good news arrived. For different people this word has a different feeling attached with it. When a woman is expecting a baby and goes through months of tremendous change of her body and mind, the wait is part of the sweet pain. There is a certain level of anticipation and anxiety along with excitement of embracing motherhood that surrounds her. On the other hand, there is a wife, waiting for her husband to come home. Her husband is a soldier, guards the border,keeps the enemies at bay. At home the women alone plays the role of a father and a mother for their kids. She is a sincere daughter in law who takes care of her old and feeble mother in law. There is a wait in those eyes .. The mother waits for her son, the wife waits for her husband, the children still trying to picture their father from the memory of their last holiday together. The wait is their way of life and not just a mere word for them. When I compare my wait with these instances, It feels so meagre that I assume I can sleep over it. But mind understands, heart doesn't. What is it that I am waiting for, you may ask. I am waiting for the rain to  drench The soul of earth. I am waiting for the moment when my life will finally bring a joyous exclamation on my face and not just a mere sigh. I am waiting To become the alchemist of my own life and turn it into gold-turn into a precious lot of celebrations. I am waiting and as I look around, there are many in the queue with me. I guess we are all hanging for the sake of sweetness in this pain of waiting...

1 comment:

  1. Waiting is really a sweet pain, but we all do just fine in the end. Waiting goes with hope hand in hand. Till the hope is there, we keep waiting.
