Monday 6 June 2016

Dolce far niente

There is an invisible race everywhere. Birds racing to conquer all the food on the window pane. Cars racing to their destinations, speeding and overtaking. Parents and kids racing to climb up the success ladder. Race is everywhere. But is the race worth of all the things its taking away from us?
This post might sound a bit outta the Hollywood movie "Eat Pray Love". An American women gets mocked for being an American by an Italian old man. The man goes on to say " You know how to celebrate but you don't know how to relax". I guess we are all mocked by the old man at this moment. We keep competing, we keep running; We tell ourselves this race shall lead our way to our dreams. But at the end of the race there is another race, and another, and another until your heart stops racing. We tend to put our friends on hold, we ask our partners to compromise -all for the sake of the never ending race. And in the end we realise, the race has robbed us inside out. I wish we learned what the Italian old man was trying to teach the American lady- ll arte dolce far niente- The art of doing nothing. Implement this in your lives. Every day, one hour let your mind float..wildly amongst the sea of imaginations. No future to worry about, no past to shrug off. Feel yourself independent of deadlines to meet. Set yourself free from the targets, aim,and ambition. Let your soul accept who you are and cleanse you inside out. Once we master this art, we might just erase some wrinkles off our forehead. Who knows, dolce far niente might actually teach us to live, and not just breathe..

1 comment:

  1. Oh i just love what you are trying to say here. But what about those who are struggling to get free from these wandering thoughts.
    But surely I do try to let it all go once in a while.
