Sunday 21 August 2016

I am a storyteller

I woke up to a Sunday morning without the sun. It felt like the rainy days at school when you can wake up late and your mother won't worry about it. I was contended with this feeling up until a thought struck me, It was TTT workshop day. A shiver ran down my spine. I had waited for this day to arrive from past three weeks. And now that it has finally arrived, rain was all set to ruin it for me? My mom, on the other hand, was unusually happy about the fact that I might be forced to ditch my plans, stay back at home and study. I tried to adhere to philosophical beliefs I occasionally feed my mind with. These beliefs stated " If you try to step out and take a step to follow your heart, you will never go to bed with regrets". And I decided to take a stand for my heart, in what seemed like a million years. I got dressed up, packed my notebook , took my umbrella and marched out of the main door with my head held high. I was calm unlike all the moments I have been in past few months where a slight challenge would stir the panic monster in me. May be it was because I was abiding to what my beliefs suggested me to do : follow your heart. As the cab swooshed through the traffic I looked outside the window and for the first time in weeks, I let my mind wander. My mind kissed freedom and cried tears of joy which reflected as raindrops on my window.
Through the looking glass, Rain painted my dreams.
The cab dropped me at the venue. I stood there on the footpath holding my one-leg broken umbrella, searching for similar lost souls. I heard two girls talking about Terribly Tiny Tales workshop. I walked up to them, struck a conversation and was relieved by the fact that I have company amidst the jovial crowd. As we stepped in, my happiness hormones flushed throughout my body. The place was a little wonderland for creative minds. It had a feeling of familiarity yet mystery associated with it. Rooms had corners, painted in different shades of happiness. As I turned towards a wall, my image looked back at me, smiling. The mirror was positioned perfectly.

The Doodle Room - Dreamers march in here!
The herd of lost audiences were directed towards the hall where seating arrangements were being done. And if all this wasn't enough to make you feel high on happiness, we were served hot samosa on a rainy afternoon. Ice-tea, potato chips and "sandesh" were also part of the snacks platter. As we hushed our growling stomach with hot samosas, the workshop began.

Anuj (CEO and Co-founder of Terribly Tiny Tales) took us to the very beginning of TTT, how it came to life, and under what circumstances. He unveiled his inspiration, motivation and vision behind TTT and I sat there captivated. It never occured to me until then this was the moment I had been dreaming about for weeks. I was living that moment and with every story Anuj unveiled about TTT, I dived deeper in love with story-telling. 

He gave us a magic mantra - the three pillars of writing if you want your audience to appreciate your work. Think about what you want say, write it down and then work on it until you amaze yourself with your work. 

He walked us through the exercise of writing and the ideas and words that came out from everyone in the room was fascinating. I understood what Anuj meant when he said we are all wired up to become storytellers at some point of our lives. And it was true. Right there, in those moments, as the sound of heavy rain drowned all other noises, our souls were finally finding stories to wake up to. We were all giving in to the idea that we are all storytellers in making or may be we were storytellers waiting, for our chance to narrate our stories to the world.

TTT team and organisers
Thank you TTT for making this rainy day worth getting drenched in.

Be it rain or Be it words,When each pours, dreams and memories embrace each other and reincarnate.

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