Thursday 13 November 2014

Life in Pondicherry

 A part of India which is far away from rest of the country. Yes its literally that, “Far-away”. And Life in Pondicherry University is another exclusion from the rest of the world. We live here day in and out fighting through internals, starving for good food while trying to save every penny, skipping breakfasts to attend the classes, and  then again sleeping in the lectures ‘cause every night we kill sleep while trying to finish assignments and record notebooks. Life here has one entertainment – Pondicherry University Wi-Fi (which at this moment has left us all alone to make us concentrate more on books than Facebook).

Life is fun with hostel mates and classmates as we are all freaking out because of same misery. Making a heap of clothes and not bothering about them until the weekend drops on our head and we have got nothing “clean” left to wear.

Weekends are even crazier than monotonous mundane stressing weekdays. Throughout the week we all tend to make list of works we will complete in the weekend. We make plans about places to visit, and stuffs to eat. But as soon as the Friday evening arrives, we hit the bed and our plans also lose their existing importance and all the excitement about them just runs off. We end up lazing the whole weekend as we have a lot of sleep to catch up to.

Pondicherry to me is independence as well as solitary confinement. Independent life has its own perks. Since I never knew that before, I just splurged into the journey towards unknown. But every wish has a price. In this case I paid the price of being out of the world without contacts with even the closest of friends. 

Seriously we never know what we shall become or what life will make out of us. Sometimes we just go with the flow.

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