Saturday 15 November 2014

The Grand Finale : Semester Exams

From tomorrow a battle begins. And as blogging is my new talking-to-my-diary feeling, I will write an account about each of my days during this battle tenure. I don’t know how this topic might turn out, but you never know –the most stressed out moments of your life often end up being the most hilarious moments of your life.
So here I go

Date 15.11.14
Time 12:48 AM

I have got still a lot of my syllabus portions to cover up but instead I chose to write down about what’s going in and around me. This is because my head is getting heavy with sleep inside it but the tension about the exam is enough to keep me awake even when half of the words I am reading is not even entering my mind. One of my roommate is fast asleep as she is fortunate her exam starts from Monday and not tomorrow (which is practically today!!)

One of my friends, Gini, is trying hard to keep another friend, Puri, awake. Both are trying not to doze off. I just had a walk through my hostel and I am back in midst of these books and the never-ending syllabus.
We are giving internal exams pretty much from the beginning of our 1st semester and now its getting too much. Too many weeks of my life in Pondicherry is being spent amidst books. And I need a vacation.. a true long and relaxing vacation and preferably alone! But then that being a far-fetched dream for now, I unwillingly move back to my books.
One last thought: why is it that during the exams every other thing around you makes you yearn for everything other than motivate you to study? I mean why it has to rain for two days just before the exam and make the weather cold and cozy? And why all of a sudden do all the busy people you tried to call up when you didn’t have exams, have become free and getting hurt as you are not replying to them?
Leaving you with these questions I sign off for today. Let’s hope tomorrow is better day for all of us.

P.S : even if the day doesn’t turn up well, you know, you always can treat yourself a chocolate :)

Date: 15.11.14
Time: 7:41 PM

We came back from exams in the afternoon after lunch. Then I soaked some of my clothes for washing. You see this is the thing. In normal weekends I will laze around and hate the idea of even washing a single cloth. And today I am more enthusiastic to wash clothes and bed sheet and what-not. I wonder how this thought processing works in our mind. All of a sudden every other work in the world grabs our interest and attention apart from the act of study. Just the thought of studying makes us sit and cry our same old anthems “why study?!  Why exams?! We need a vacation please!!!”

So after a nice shower I had around 2hr long sleep. I woke up fresh but alas! I feel sheer hatred to study. I mean how can I explain you this thing in my mind. It’s like you get to same old thing everyday every time and that one thing is “study for exam” because every day in my University is an exam day. I am just reaching saturation level of giving exams.

About today’s exam- well it went for long. Hell of a lengthy paper it was. I still can’t believe the fact that I wrote the paper for 3 hours without even looking up from my paper. And at the end when we were to submit our papers I realized I wrote 33 pages in the booklet containing 44 pages. I felt proud of myself, not because I wrote all correct things but because I made answers long ones and that proves I can someday be a good story teller.

So one down, four more to go!
Keep the countdown going. The only thing good about exams is how-so-ever they piss you off, they always come to an end.

After feeding myself a cup-a-soup by using the apparently hot water in the water purifier of the hostel, I brace myself for the next tornado. Monday is going to be one hell of an exam day.
Signing off for today, see you guys tomorrow.

P.S : i have two phrases i chant in my head to keep myself calm . Always remember come what may,good or bad, these four words hold true for all- "This too shall pass". So even if these exam days are getting challenging for you, you know, this too shall pass.
And another phrase is better said in a song.
 Hakuna Matata : go on click on it and enjoy the song :)


  1. U forgot to add- the countdown of wedding of big sister:-)

    1. but that countdown is actually not on my head as exams are suppressing all my excitements :(
